Ferruccio Gard | La fissione del colore
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Ferruccio Gard is one of the leading representatives of neo-constructivist art, Programmed Art and Optical Art, which he has practiced since 1969, and was one of the first in Italy to do so.
In total has participated in seven Venice Biennale of Art (1982, 1986, 1995, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2017), to the 11th National Rome Quadriennale (1986) and to several exhibitions on kinetic and optical art


Passion for creating state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences

in state-of-the-art digital projects and guiding engaging user experiences


( from a conversation with the artist – opening of the solo exhibitions at Trissino and Vicenza, 1...

  Rationale for nominating Gard to the Segnalati Bolaffi, 1982 …In Gard’s work, an abst...